Analyze your costs easily and 
optimize resources

Analyze your costs easily and optimize resources

View your billing details thoroughly and optimize resources based on cost data analyzed. Control expenses and prevent overspendings with budget management feature.

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Cloud cost chart by regions and applied filters to fine the specific cost details
Cost Analysis

Explore cost details categorized by various standards

Group cost data by regions, cloud service providers, products. Various resource attributes and custom tags can be used for categorizing cloud cost data. Apply filters or set new queries to find the specific details you are looking for.

Customizable cost dashboard with month-to-date spend, last month total spend, cost trend by project and cost trend by product widget
Cost Dashboard

Visualize cost data with customized dashbaords

Add your own widgets to Cost Explorer dashboard with different layouts. From monthly spendings to cloud account cost insights, you can manage all cloud infrastucture cost in one page dahsboard.

Budget summary chart with monthly actual cost

Manage expenditures through budgets and alerts

Set cost budgets on each project and manage the resource usage. Get notified based on custom thresholds through budget alerts. Check detected cost surges by comparing monthly resource cost data.

Want to learn more about Cost Explorer?

Cost data can be categorized by cloud providers, cloud accounts, projects, regions, products, and instance types. Each cost data can be subdivided daily/monthly, and can be viewed as cumulative data by specifying a specific time period.

SpaceONE displays the cost usage data through the one-page dashboard and customizable widgets. Various types of visualization examples are listed below.

  • Monthly cost usage trend
  • Cost usage by cloud region
  • Traffic cost usage
  • CDN cost usage
  • Cost usage classified by selected standards
  • Cost comparison with overall budget
  • Budget usage by project
You can generate and export cost data reports. Create PDF format reports based on the Cost Explorer dashboard. You can also download the cost dataset in xlsx file format.
In addition to the cloud cost data provided by SpaceONE, you can integrate in-house cost data managed by ERP or Excel with SpaceONE. You can build your own custom plugin to import the in-house cost data.
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