Manage users, roles, permissions 
to each project easily

Manage users, roles, permissions to each project easily

Add team members to join SpaceONE and manage your infrastructure. Assign roles to SpaceONE users in your domain.

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External authentication options: Keycloak, Google  OAuth2, Active Directory, No settings
External Authentications

Authenticate users by identity service

Choose various authentication options. SpaceONE supports from local ID / password to external identity services including Google OAuth2, Active Directory, Keycloak.

Creating a role as user or admin, API policy attachment and page access list UI

Control access permissions by roles and policies

Apply access policies to manage user roles. Fine-tune access permissions with SpaceONE RBAC(Role-Based Access Control) system.

Want to learn more about IAM?

SpaceONE supports external authentication options including Google OAuth2, Active Directory, and Keycloak, and also provides a local authentication option based on ID and password. You can integrate other external identity services by developing your own custom plugins.

SpaceONE's managed RBAC policy provides 4 kinds of roles to assign.

Domain AdminAdministrator permission controlling full system
Domain ViewerViewer permission viewing all resource data
Project ManagerManager permission managing members and resources, limited in the certain project assigned
Project ViewerViewer permission viewing resource data, limited in the certain project assigned
You can create or change custom policies by yourself in addition to the managed policies provided by default. Detailed permissions can be set for specific features such as viewer/admin permission in per-page level, API access permission, and scope of per-project level.
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